Visual marketing is an important aspect of the current digital marketing world. It is something that content marketers can’t ignore for too long if they want to succeed and become influencers in their niches.

It is true that publishing an 800-word blog post is far easier than collecting information and stats, writing an interesting script, and designing a visually incredible infographic. But visual marketing performs much better than generic blog posts and generates better results.

According to estimates, infographics are 30 times more likely to be read by online users when compared with regular blog posts.

Furthermore, infographics are also proven to generate more engagement, backlinks, and social media shares.

The following chart highlights the average number of social media shares each type of content gets. As you can see, infographics top the chart by a fair distance. In fact, it performs almost three times better than videos.

There is no denying the power of infographics.

However, merely whipping up an infographic does not guarantee success. There are certain tips that you must follow if you truly want to maximize your chances of success.

In this blog post, we share 4 amazing and proven tips that will help you refine the process of creating and promoting an infographic.

Let’s begin.

1. Pick Hot and Trending Topics

While infographics may seem to work on almost any topic, there are certain topics that are bound to get a lot more traffic and engagement.

The trick is to find hot, trending topics first and only then start investing your time and resources in creating the infographic. The selection of the topic is, without any doubt, the most important aspect here.

How do you select a hot topic for your next infographic?

Well, there are two ways:

  • Based on your niche and what your audience constantly craves for, go for an evergreen topic. It works especially well if that evergreen topic also solves one of the biggest problems for your target audience.
  • Or you can pick proven topics that have already worked in the recent past.

For finding the second category of topics, you can use BuzzSumo.

BuzzSumo helps you identify potential topics that went extremely popular on social media networks. It sorts contents based on the number of social media shares they got. You can also filter for a specific social media platform, like Facebook or Twitter (if that is important to you).

The bottom line is that with BuzzSumo, you can identify a topic that has already worked in the past year or so. If you could make your infographic better than that version, you are more likely to be succeeded.

Although these are the two approaches to selecting a topic for your next infographic, it does not have to be an “either-or” approach.

In fact, it is highly recommended to pick a topic that is not only evergreen but has also been shared heavily across social media platforms. Those topics give you the best chance to succeed.

2. Eye-Catching Content

Do you know the rookie mistake that most content marketers make with infographics?

They focus on just two things:

  1. Design
  2. Data

While these two are obviously very important when it comes to infographics, there is another aspect that you must cover efficiently, i.e., the content that accompanies the infographic. It is also commonly known as the infographic script.

The infographic script generally contains the following items:

  • Headline: The headline of the infographic is of extreme importance. There are so many blog posts, news, videos, and infographics out there that people are oversaturated with content. You need to have an absolutely amazing headline if you want to make any noticeable difference amongst a sea of content. Use CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer and Advanced Marketing Institute’s Headline Analyzer to craft the perfect headline.
  • Introduction: Like anything else, you need to introduce your infographic. The introduction needs to be concise, succinct, but very powerful. Ideally, it should not be more than 3-4 sentences. In the introduction, you can include a backstory of how you collected the data or why you decided to choose this topic, etc.
  • Data sources: Last, but not the least, it is highly recommended to include the original data sources in the content of your infographic. Doing so will not only make lives easier for your readers, but it will significantly increase your credibility and authority.

Overall, the infographic content should not be more than 300 to 400 words. However, it is more important that it answers all the questions that a reader might have regarding your infographic.

3. Make it Search Engine Friendly

It is usually the different social media websites (like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest) that drive the most traffic for an infographic. However, it does not mean that you can totally ignore the free organic traffic it can generate from you via search engines.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to optimize your infographic and make it more search-engine friendly.

There are a few different ways you could do that. Make sure to use all of the following tips to give your infographic the best chance.

  • Optimize the File Name: Do not just title your infographic untitled.png. Putting some random characters isn’t going to help your cause. Instead, make sure to give your file name a descriptive title that contains the keywords you are trying to rank for. Moreover, the title should clearly reflect what the infographic is about.
  • Optimize the Alt Text: You must know that search engines like Google can’t read images. Therefore, they rely on the alt text which you provide to them. Alt text is also helpful for online users who, for some reason, can’t see an image. Optimizing your infographic by assigning a descriptive and well-crafted, keyword-rich alt text, therefore, is a no-brainer.
  • Meta Description: While most content marketers do not give a lot of attention to crafting an interesting meta description, it plays an important role in driving search engine traffic. When designing an infographic, make sure that you write a well-optimized, descriptive, and keyword-rich meta description for it.

4. A Marketing Head Start 

Once you publish the infographic on your blog post, it is likely to be picked up and/or shared by others — depending on how well you did it and your existing following.

However, it does not mean that you should not actively make an effort to give it the best possible chance of success. Therefore, it is highly recommended to actively market and promote your infographic.

There are a few things that you can do about it.

Start with your social media profiles. Share your new infographic across all social media platforms with interesting captions that would encourage more clicks and shares.

Also, share your new infographic with your list of email subscribers.

Lastly, don’t forget to share your new infographic with influencers in your industry. If it gets picked up and shared by even one of the big industry influencers, you would be in for a treat.

Additionally, depending on your marketing style and budget, you could also promote your infographic with Facebook ads. Using Facebook custom audience is another great option if you are trying to promote to people who liked one of your previous infographics.


Creating and promoting infographics do take time, but well-crafted infographics are capable of driving lots of traffic, new leads, and potential customers.

Follow the tips mentioned in this article the next time you are designing an infographic. Remember, picking the right topic is as important as the design itself. Therefore, only invest your time, efforts, and resources in ideas that show potential.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.