There’s no doubt that getting your site to the first page of the Google search results can work wonders for your business. It’s one of the only ways to put your traffic generation on autopilot so that you can focus on running your business. The problem is that SEO can potentially be expensive and time-consuming, and the more competitive your keyword is, the harder it gets for you to get favorable rankings and start profiting. In this article, we’ll be looking at a simple strategy that you can use to optimize for highly competitive keywords without going broke in the process.

Structuring Your Keyword Strategy

Most likely, there’s a one or two-word phrase that best describes the theme of your website. This is also usually the term that has the most monthly searches and therefore the term which can help you to generate the most traffic. The problem is that this primary keyword phrase will also take you quite a while to rank for, and in the meantime, you have to generate profits for your business. For example, the term “copywriting services” (with the italics) yields nearly 500, 000 results when typed into the Google search bar, which means it’s very competitive.

 At the time of this writing, the broad term “copywriting services” (without italics), yields about 5,400 searches her month (according to the Google keyword tool) which means that if you can rank high for that keyword, you can get a lot of qualified organic traffic to your website. The problem, again, is that it could also take several months for you to get your site to the first page of the Google search results, which is where the majority of the traffic is. However, there are a few other terms that contain the two words “copywriting services” and which are less competitive. A few examples are:

 “professional copywriting services”

“SEO copywriting services”

“online copywriting services”

“website copywriting services”

 As you can see, each one of these terms describes types of copywriting services, but they’re much more targeted and specific. They also have a lot less competition, which means that you’ll have an easier time optimizing your site for these keywords and receiving rankings which will start to bring you some qualified traffic. As you’re optimizing for each of these keywords, you’re indirectly optimizing for the broader term “copywriting services,” which will give you a head started in receiving good rankings for that term. All you need now is a structured plan for doing so…

Optimizing Your Site One Keyword at a Time

Once you’ve found your primary keyword (in the example above, the primary keyword is “copywriting services”), and a handful of supporting keywords, it’s time to get to work on optimizing your website. First, you’ll want to use silo structure to accomplish your on-page optimization for your primary keyword and for each of your supporting keywords.

 *For examples of how to do this, see our article on silo structure.

Next, you begin a simple backlink building and on-site content creation strategy for each of your supporting keywords. For example, if your supporting keywords are:

 “professional copywriting services”

“SEO copywriting services”

“online copywriting services”

“website copywriting services”

Your monthly content creation strategy might look like this:

  •  Week #1: one article/blog post written for your site using the keyword “professional copywriting services.”
  •  Week #2: one article/blog post written for your site using the keyword “SEO copywriting services.”
  •  Week #3: one article/blog post written for your site using the keyword “online copywriting services.”
  •  Week #4: one article/blog post written for your site using the keyword “website copywriting services.”

In addition to this one site content creation strategy, you need a monthly backlink building strategy that is designed to help you optimize for each of your supporting keywords. For example:

  • 500 profile links and 500 blog comments using the anchor text: “professional copywriting services”
  • 500 profile links and 500 blog comments using the anchor text: “SEO copywriting services”
  • 500 profile links and 500 blog comments using the anchor text: “online copywriting services”
  • 500 profile links and 500 blog comments using the anchor text: “website copywriting services”

As you can see, this strategy helps you to create one page of fresh content for each of your supporting keywords each month and 1,000 backlinks for each of your supporting keywords. Meanwhile, you’re indirectly optimizing for the broader keywords “copywriting services” and “copywriting.” If you’re consistent, you ought to be able to achieve good rankings for your secondary keywords within three or four months.

After you achieve favorable rankings for your supporting keywords, you can divert some of your efforts towards optimizing for the broader terms, which you’ve already been working towards indirectly. For example, your new monthly link building strategy might look like this:

  •  250 profile links and 250 blog comments using the anchor text: “professional copywriting services”
  •  250 profile links and 250 blog comments using the anchor text: “SEO copywriting services”
  •  250 profile links and 250 blog comments using the anchor text: “online copywriting services”
  •  250 profile links and 250 blog comments using the anchor text: “website copywriting services”
  •  1,000 profile links and 1,000 blog comments using the anchor text: “copywriting services”

 More Strategies for Optimizing Your Website

This is but one of the many strategies you can use to get a flood of organic traffic to your website. As you can see, we have a lot more information and articles available for you here…the trick is knowing where to focus your attention first. This is why we have created a simple seven day SEO mini-course that you can get access to right here on

To get started, simply sign up to receive your FREE seven-day mini-course which walks you step by step through the process of laying a strong foundation for SEO success. To get instant access to this mini-course and watch your site climb the search results, hurry and fill in the form below.

Additional Reading on Keyword Optimization

Using Silo Structure or Maximum On Page SEO Effectiveness
Keyword Selection for SEO Part I: Selecting Your Core Keywords

Traffic Travis Review: Free Keyword Research Tool for Online Marketers