The user experience: one of the top factors Google takes into consideration when ranking a website.
It’s a big deal. If Google features your site on page #1, they want people to find it useful. If people are clicking your link, visiting your page then bouncing off immediately, that’s not good for business.
Unfortunately, most online business owners and SEO’s are in the dark when it comes to the user experience. Sure, they know having high bounce rates is bad. They understand their site isn’t delivering as much value as it could be. But instead of working to fix these problems, they build more backlinks.
Like Penguin showed us, this isn’t a good strategy for long-term success.
Think about website landing pages for a minute. Too often, instead of capturing visitor’s attention, landing pages simply broadcast cliche statements that every other business in their niche is saying.
“Aloha Marketing: The Best Marketing Company on the Web!”
What does that even mean?
So in today’s article, we’re going to talk about two fantastic ways to increase conversions and lower bounce rates: infographics and landing page videos.
Wall of Text Elimination
One of the quickest ways to get a sky-high bounce rate is to present your visitors with a massive wall of text.
In the internet age, we humans have short attention spans. We only want information that’s immediately relevant to us. If we’re searching something on Google and get a 4,000-word wall, that’s probably going to turn us off.
Now, there are always exceptions. We’ve talked before about writing longer, more detailed articles. It’s absolutely fantastic for the user experience – unless it’s the very first thing a potential customer sees.
Long content is great once you’ve already captured your visitor’s interest. But what if you need to get a point across when a potential customer first visits? An infographic, that’s how!
Infographics take long, complicated explanations or facts and compile them into a fluid and gorgeous picture. This picture still presents the reader with the information you want them to see. But it captures their attention. It makes them interested to read more.
People enjoy reading infographics.
Look through your analytics. Do you have a page with a lot of content that has a high bounce rate? If so, this page might be a prime candidate for an infographic.
Another great thing about infographics is their “sharability.” When people read an interesting infographic, they share it. They link to it.
Increase Conversions with Video

It’s no secret – video landing pages convert far better than text alone. By simply adding a video to your page, you can increase conversions by ~80%.
Of course, it can’t be any video – it has to be relevant to the product or service you’re offering. For the same reason, people don’t like reading a wall of text, people will prefer a video over a sales page.
And text-only sales pages lack credibility. People have been burned too many times to fall for a “scam” again. Even if you’re offering an incredible product, if you don’t have a video that instantly explains the benefits and what’s in it for the customer, you’ll likely have low conversion rates.
A video page, on the other hand, captures attention immediately. Additionally, it gives you a creative and interesting way to sell your product or service. You can state statistics, have an animation that explains what your company does… the list goes on and on.
Sure, you can do that with text too. But will people read it?
And there’s no reason you can’t offer both video and text. Put a video at the top of your page – make sure it’s the first thing your customers see when they hit your page. But give them written text with more details underneath. This way, you appeal to all different types of customers and maximize conversions.
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Lastly, don’t forget to run a free on-page analysis. If you’re not on page #1, it could be due to an easy fix. Find out now!
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