Google, the search engine giant we all rely on, is constantly working to improve the quality of its results. 

In March 2024, they unleashed a powerful two-pronged attack aimed at achieving just that: the March 2024 core update and a series of accompanying spam updates. 

This blog post dives deep into these updates, explaining what they mean for searchers and website owners alike.

The March 2024 core update: A focus on helpfulness

Core updates are regular algorithmic changes Google implements to improve search results' overall quality and relevance. The March 2024 core update stands out for its complexity and focus on a single crucial factor: helpfulness.

Here's a breakdown of what this update entails:

  • Multi-System Enhancements: Unlike previous core updates, this one involves changes across multiple core ranking systems. This signifies a more holistic approach to evaluating content's helpfulness.
  • Evolving Helpfulness Identification: Google is moving beyond single ranking signals to a multifaceted approach. This includes innovative techniques to identify content that genuinely serves user needs.
  • Integration of Helpful Content System: The previously independent "helpful content update" has now been fully integrated into the core ranking system. This means Google will prioritize content that feels natural, informative, and written with users in mind, not just search engines.
  • Reduced Unhelpful Content: Google anticipates a significant reduction (around 40%) in unhelpful content appearing in search results. This translates to less content that is low-quality, unoriginal, or created solely for search engine ranking.

The rollout for this core update is expected to take around a month. Website owners may experience fluctuations in their search rankings during this period.

March 2024 spam updates: Keeping the bad out

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Alongside the core update, Google released a series of targeted spam updates aimed at tackling specific manipulative practices. 

Let's explore two key areas addressed:

  • Scaled Content Abuse: This update targets content generated at an industrial scale with the sole purpose of manipulating search rankings. Such content often promises answers but delivers thin and uninformative material. Google's algorithms can now actively identify and penalize these tactics, rewarding websites that create genuinely valuable content.
  • Expired Domain Abuse: This update tackles the practice of taking inactive or expired domains and repurposing them for spam content. Google's systems can now better identify such attempts and prevent them from polluting search results.

These are just two examples; the March 2024 spam update encompasses a broader range of techniques aimed at improving search result quality by removing spammy and manipulative content.

Additionally, Google announced a future update (May 2024) focused on site reputation abuse spam. This will target websites that leverage fake or misleading information about their reputation to gain ranking advantages.

What does this mean for website owners?

With these updates, Google is sending a clear message: focus on creating high-quality, helpful content that genuinely serves your audience. Here's what website owners can do to adapt:

  • Prioritize User Value: Ensure your content provides valuable information that addresses your target audience's needs and questions.
  • Focus on Expertise and Authority: Establish yourself as a credible source by showcasing expertise in your field.
  • Write for Humans, Not Search Engines: Compose content in a natural, human-readable style, avoiding keyword stuffing and manipulative tactics.
  • Maintain Website Quality: Ensure your website is user-friendly with a good technical foundation. Broken links, slow loading times, and poor mobile responsiveness can negatively impact rankings.

By following these guidelines and staying updated on Google's evolving search algorithms, website owners can ensure their content continues to thrive in the ever-changing search landscape.

Repercussions and aftermath of the March 2024 core update

Trends.jpgThe March 2024 core update has sent shockwaves through the SEO community, with many websites experiencing significant fluctuations in search rankings. 

While the full impact is still unfolding, some initial observations shed light on the update's repercussions:

  • Deindexing of Low-Quality Websites: A substantial number of websites have been deindexed from Google Search entirely. This includes websites with thin content, websites primarily built for keyword stuffing, and those containing large amounts of duplicate content.
  • AI-Generated Content Penalty: Websites heavily reliant on AI-generated content seem to be negatively affected by the update. Google appears to be prioritizing content with a human touch and demonstrable expertise behind it.
  • Increased Volatility in Rankings: Due to the multifaceted nature of the update, website rankings are experiencing more significant fluctuations than usual. This is expected to settle down as Google's systems fully integrate the changes.

These early signs suggest that Google is serious about its commitment to user-centric search results. Websites that prioritize user value, create high-quality content, and maintain a good user experience are likely to benefit in the long run.

It's important to note that the information above is based on initial observations and reports from the SEO community. Further analysis and data will be needed to paint a complete picture of the update's long-term effects.

For website owners experiencing ranking drops, this is a prime opportunity to revisit their SEO strategies and ensure their content aligns with Google's Helpful Content principles.

On that note, let’s talk quickly about helpful content principles and what content creators should know about them.

5 things you need to know about helpful content updates

The concept of "helpful content" has become a cornerstone of Google's search ranking philosophy. This will become even more important now after the March 2024 core algorithm update.

Here are five key things you need to know about Helpful Content:

  1. Focus on People, Not Search Engines: Content should prioritize user needs and satisfaction over simply ranking for keywords. Write content that fulfills a genuine user intent and provides valuable information.
  2. Expertise Matters: Google wants to see content created by authoritative sources with demonstrable expertise in the field. Back up your claims with research, data, and showcase your qualifications. This is inline with Google’s ever-increasing focus on EEAT.
  3. Readability and Trustworthiness: Content should be clear, concise, and easy for users to understand. Strive for a trustworthy voice, avoiding misleading information or clickbait tactics.
  4. Content That Goes Beyond: Aim to create content that surpasses what's already available. Offer unique insights, fresh perspectives, or in-depth analysis to truly stand out.
  5. User Experience Matters: Don't neglect the overall user experience on your website. Ensure your content is well-organized, visually appealing, and loads quickly on all devices.

By incorporating these principles, website owners can create content that aligns with Google's Helpful Content philosophy and positions their websites for success in search results.


The March 2024 core and spam updates mark a significant step forward for Google Search. By prioritizing helpfulness and combating spam, Google is aiming to deliver users a search experience that is more reliable, informative, and trustworthy. 

While website owners may need to adapt their strategies, the ultimate goal is to create a better web environment for everyone.

This blog post has provided a high-level overview of these updates. As with any major algorithmic change, there's always more to learn. 

Stay tuned for further updates and in-depth analyses from SEO experts as the rollout progresses.