Welcome to the thrilling world of SEO, where sometimes the smallest, most overlooked elements hold the key to success. 

Today, we're diving deep into the realm of zero-volume keywords, those elusive yet potentially game-changing words and phrases that most marketers scroll past. Buckle up, because we're about to uncover why and how these under-the-radar keywords can be your secret weapon in the digital space!

Understanding zero-volume keywords

First things first, let's define our star players: zero-volume keywords. These are phrases that keyword research tools report as having little to no monthly search volume. They're the wallflowers of the keyword party - overlooked and underestimated. But here’s the twist: these keywords are often incredibly specific and tailored to niche queries and unique customer needs. They're not just words; they're windows into the minds of a very targeted audience.

Why zero-volume keywords matter

You might wonder, "Why should I care about keywords no one is searching for?" Here’s why:

  1. Low Competition: With fewer eyes on these phrases, your content has a better chance of ranking higher.
  2. High Relevance: These keywords are often very specific, meaning they can drive highly targeted traffic to your site.
  3. Niche Appeal: For niche markets, these keywords can be a goldmine, connecting you directly with your ideal audience.
  4. Increased Authority: Authority is a big deal now for Google. And creating high-quality content on long-tail zero-volume keywords is an excellent way to build your website’s authority in your industry and niche.
  5. Higher Conversions: Because zero-volume long-tail keywords are very, very specific and address very specific problems, they are great at increasing organic conversions and revenue.

The art of hunting for zero-volume keywords


Now that you understand and realize the importance of zero-volume keywords, let's embark on the treasure hunt for finding these keywords. 

To find these hidden gems, you'll need:

  1. The Right Tools: Dive into SEO tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, Keywords Everywhere, and Google Search. Look beyond the surface and explore the long tail of search.
  2. Buyer Personas: The foundation of finding zero-volume keywords lies in the understanding of your target audience and customers. Create detailed buyer personas that adequately answer vital questions such as who they are, what they want, the problems they are facing, the solutions they are looking for, and more.
  3. An Analytical Mind: Understand the searcher's intent. What’s the question behind the query? What is it that people are trying to find when they type those words on Google?
  4. A Spy’s Eye: Peek at your competitors. They might have left some valuable zero-volume keywords on the table. Competitor analysis is an excellent way to find good zero-volume keywords quickly.

Here are 3 quick yet excellent ways to find zero-volume keywords.

Method #1 — Use Google Search

Simply, install a Google Chrome plugin like Keywords Everywhere and run Google searches for your main (seed) keywords / topics.

Go with longer-tail keyword variations, and you will see zero-volume keywords in the search bar.

Method #2 — Use keyword research tools

You can also use keyword research tools, such as SEMrush and Ahrefs, to find keywords with the least search traffic volume and competition.

As long as those keywords are based on a jobs-to-be-done framework, they might be worth exploring.

Method #3 — Conduct competitor analysis

The third method is arguably the easiest. Insert the URL of your competitors in a tool like SEMrush and see which zero- or low-volume keywords they are driving traffic from.

You can filter by long-tail keywords to quickly find lots of good keywords to create content on — especially if you use Keyword Gap tools and look at the Missing keywords.

Crafting content for zero-volume keywords

You've got your keywords; now what? 

Now, let’s create content that not only ranks but resonates with your audience and answers the very specific queries they have.

  1. Be the Answer: Your content should be the key to the lock that is your zero volume keyword. Address the query directly and thoroughly.
  2. Detail is King: Go long-form. The more comprehensive your content, the more likely it is to rank for related searches.
  3. Real Stories, Real Impact: Use case studies or real-life examples to make your content relatable and engaging.
  4. Teach: Long-tail zero-volume keywords are often about very specific how-to scenarios. In that case, your content should have lots of screenshots, step-by-step guidance, or even a video that could help readers.

On-page SEO for zero-volume keywords

Now, let’s optimize. 

It’s not just about using the keyword; it’s about crafting an environment where the keyword thrives.

  1. Strategic Placement: Sprinkle your zero-volume keywords in title tags, headers, and throughout your content. But remember, it has to feel natural.
  2. Synonyms are Your Friends: Use variations and related terms to capture a broader spectrum of searches.
  3. Don’t Forget Mobile: A fast, mobile-friendly, and easy-to-navigate site is crucial. It’s not just about pleasing search engines; it’s about delighting users.
  4. Experience is Crucial: User experience is extremely crucial. Make your content easily readable and understandable. Use colors, images, videos, callout boxes, a user-friendly website design, and the right fonts to create a pleasant user experience. It can have a direct effect on search engine rankings.

Promoting your zero-volume keyword content

If a tree falls in a forest... You know how it goes. Promote your content to make sure it’s seen and heard.

Content promotion is incredibly important for zero-volume keywords because, as you know, there isn’t a lot of search engine traffic potential for these keywords. Try to get your content as many eyeballs as it can:

  1. Social Media Savvy: Share your content across your social platforms. Create snippets, infographics, and engaging posts to draw attention.
  2. Community Engagement: Join forums or online communities relevant to your niche. Share your knowledge (and your content) where appropriate.
  3. Collaborate to Elevate: Partner with influencers or fellow bloggers. Their audience could be your audience.

Tracking and tweaking your strategy

The only constant in SEO is change. Keep an eye on your analytics and be ready to pivot.

  1. Data is Your Diary: Regularly check how your content is performing. Look at engagement metrics like time on page and bounce rates. These engagement metrics are even more meaningful when it comes to content based on zero-volume keywords.
  2. Adapt and Overcome: If something works, do more of it. If it doesn’t, figure out why and adjust.
  3. Stay SEO-Savvy: SEO trends are like weather patterns – always changing. Stay updated and be flexible in your strategy.

Building quality backlinks

Backlinks are like votes of confidence from the internet. If you can manage a few high-quality backlinks for your zero-volume keywords, it can quickly lead to higher search engine rankings, as the competition is usually lower for these pages.

  1. Guest Blogging Glory: Write for other sites in your niche. It’s a win-win; you get exposure, they get content.
  2. Outreach: Don’t be shy. Reach out to sites that might benefit from linking to your content.
  3. Content Worth Sharing: Create something so good that others can’t help but link to it. Think ultimate guides, infographics, and original research.

Encourage engagement

Last but not least, talk to your audience. Engagement breeds engagement. 

And zero-volume keywords are made specifically for your audience and to solve the specific problems they have. 

Talking to your audience will help unearth new ideas that you can write about.

  1. Join the conversation: Respond to comments, engage on social media, and be a part of your content’s life after publishing.
  2. Invite participation: Ask questions, run polls, create contests. Make your audience feel like they’re part of something.
  3. Feedback is gold: Listen to what your audience says. Their feedback is invaluable for refining your strategy.


Zero-volume keywords are like hidden treasures in the vast sea of SEO. They offer a unique opportunity to connect with a highly targeted audience, reduce competition, and carve out a niche for your brand in the digital world. 

It's about quality, not quantity. So, start your zero-volume keyword journey and watch as these overlooked queries turn into your biggest wins.