The effectiveness of your SEO campaign and strategy largely depends on the quality of your website content.

If your website content is boring, unengaging, and uninformative, you won’t be able to attract and hold readers’ attention. This will lead to poor engagement metrics, demotion in the search engine result pages (SERPs), and less organic traffic from search engines.

In this blog post, we share 10 tips that can help you improve the quality of your website content and make it significantly more engaging and effective.

1. Infuse credibility

The credibility of a piece of online content is a big problem nowadays. As anybody can build a website and publish a blog post, whom should you believe?

If you want people to share your content, spend time on your web page, get impressed, and click on other links on your website, you need to infuse credibility in your web copy.

Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Write on topics that you have authority in.
  • Use verifiable case studies, data points, and statistics.
  • Link to sources for added credibility and verification.
  • Explain your viewpoint succinctly and clearly.
  • Use quotes from industry experts.

2. Include stories

Stories are important. Good and relevant stories can help users paint a picture, which connects them with your content emotionally.

The stories you include do not have to belong and intricately woven. However, it is important that those stories are relevant to your readers.

For example, if your article is about gardening tips, perhaps a story of someone you know who struggled with gardening for a long time, the type of equipment they used, and the results it bore would be a good segway to the main article.

Stories help make your content more memorable and engaging. These are important factors to make your content stand out and become more effective.

3. Avoid adverbs

It is a simple technique, but it can help sharpen your website content. Adverbs should not be used too many times in an article. As a general rule, you should not use more than one adverb per 300 words.

More often than not, you’d be able to replace an adverb with a stronger adjective or verb, or you might remove it altogether.

Use a free tool like Hemingway App to identify adverbs on your web page and remove the ones that aren’t completely necessary.

4. Establish how your content is relevant to your audience

Relevant content has at least three qualities:

  • It directly or indirectly addresses your target audience.
  • It offers immense value for the group of audience you intend to target.
  • It solves a real problem for the target audience with actionable and practical solutions.

High-quality website content is always crafted with a single purpose in mind: to help readers. It should be centered on the needs of your target audience and potential customers, which is why it is essential to establish relevance early on the web page.

5. Keyword optimization

A piece of content — despite how good it is — often fails if it does not bring any meaningful traffic. That’s why it is crucial to follow the best keyword optimization practices and give your blog post the best possible chance to survive amidst a sea of online content.

Here are a few keyword optimization practices you should follow:

  • Shortlist the primary and secondary keywords.
  • Include your primary keyword in the headline of your article (the H1 tag and the meta title tag).
  • Include the primary keyword in at least one subheading (H2 and H3).
  • The primary keyword should also be included at least once in the first 100-150 words.
  • The rest of the subheadings should use the secondary keywords or other long-tail variations of the primary keyword.
  • Use LSI keywords throughout the article to add more context for search engines.
  • Use the primary and secondary keywords in the meta description.
  • Include the main keyword in the alt text of images.

6. Write in a friendly, conversational style

You can significantly sharpen your website content by making it more friendly and conversational in tone and style.

Notice how people normally speak to each other. That’s how you should be writing your content. It is easy to get lost in technical specifications and jargon, but that’s something you should avoid as much as possible.

Here are a few other tips that might be useful:

  • Develop your own voice and stick with it.
  • Know your audience and their situation completely.
  • Do not use passive voice too often.
  • Write in shorter sentences.
  • Use the words “you” and “I” to establish familiarity and comfort.
  • Ask questions.
  • Try recording your website content instead of typing it.

7. Avoid technical jargon

Nobody likes web copy that is full of technical jargon and complex terminologies.

Explain the difficult concepts in a way that is easy to understand for most readers and avoid technical jargon as much as possible.

8. Features vs. Benefits

Research a lot of landing pages, and you will find that most of them only highlight the features of their product. A landing page should be more than a spec sheet. That’s why, instead of highlighting features, you should focus on the benefits users get.

This small change in mindset can significantly improve your website content and make it dramatically more engaging and effective.

Example: Don’t just say, “The iPad Pro has a built-in 36.71 watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery.” This does not mean anything to the average consumer. 

Instead, write “the iPad Pro offers up to 10 hours of battery for surfing the web on Wi-Fi or watching videos. It’s enough to get you through an entire day without needing to recharge.”

9. Focus on the headline

8 out of 10 people do not read beyond the headline. Therefore, the headline of the content must be attention-grabbing, engaging, and interesting.

Here are a few tips to help you create better headlines:

  • Address your readers.
  • Promise a solution to a real problem your readers are facing.
  • Make it appeal to your readers’ emotions.
  • Be specific and clear.
  • Avoid passive voice.

For more ideas, you can download this 52 headline hack cheatsheet. In addition, you can also use the CoSchedule Headline Analyzer and the AMI Institute tool to check the emotional marketing value of a headline.

10. Pay special attention to the structure of your content

The structure of the website content also plays a crucial role in determining its overall effectiveness.

The web copy should be structured in a way that improves the user experience. There is no definite rule, so it requires a lot of testing to see what your audience prefers.

Just remember one point. The attention span of the average online user is just 8 seconds now, and it is shrinking fast. Therefore, it is essential that you hook your readers in the first couple of paragraphs. If you wait too long before sharing the most important information, you may lose them.


Content really is king in the online marketing world. Most of your digital marketing efforts and campaigns will revolve around your website content. If it is not interesting, useful, and engaging, it will have a direct impact on the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and the bottom line of your company.

Use the tips mentioned in this article to significantly improve the quality of your web copy, and let us know if you have any questions.