2021 | 100% |
2022 | 100% |
2023 | 100% |
2024 | 100% |
In order to pass this test you are advised to use a caching mechanism for your pages. There are three methods which can be used to caching your web pages:
- Alternative PHP Cache (APC) is an open source framework which caches data using intermediate PHP code. Most web programmers who are familiar with the PHP programming language can easily set up Alternative PHP Cache for your site.
- Quickcache is a lightweight page caching solution which was formerly known as jpcache. Quickcache caches the page output rather than compiling the PHP page, making it a superior version of page caching to the Alternative PHP caching. Quickcache can be quickly downloaded from their website and can reduce your page load time up to 80%.
- If you have a Wordpress website, WP Super Cache can be installed within seconds and without no programming knowledge.