It’s hard to produce high-quality content.

It’s not something you can do overnight.

Ever since the Panda update, high quality content is perhaps the most crucial part of any successful SEO campaign. Not only that, it’s one of the most crucial parts of any marketing campaign.

We’ve given some guidelines on how to write content that’s “shareable.” But today, we’d like to take a minute to talk about real high-quality content and what it takes to be the best.

There are millions and millions of blogs. Millions of people publishing millions of pages of content every single day. For an aspiring online business owner, this can seem incredibly daunting.

If there are millions of pages of content published every day, how are you supposed to stick out?

The answer, in a word: practice.

Don’t be fooled by statistics. They’re only numbers and they don’t tell the whole story. Sure, there are millions of bloggers. But how many of those bloggers post more than once every two months? How many of those bloggers know about creating a good user experience?

The reality is, of all the bloggers in the world, less than 1% really know what they’re doing. If you’re shooting to hit #1, then, don’t be bogged down by massive numbers. Realize the amount of people who are successful with this is relatively small.

And yes, this is great news.

Write Every Single Day

We talk a lot about producing high-quality content. People read that and then decide to produce their own “high-quality content.” They write an article that’s 1,000+ words and post it up. But no one shares it. They don’t see an increase in rankings. Nothing happens.

They give up.

Here’s something we haven’t told you. No one produces real high-quality content on the first go.

It takes practice. Lots of practice. It’s no coincidence the majority of successful bloggers and online business owners started out writing content every day. People like Rand Fishkin (SEOMoz) and Ramit Sethi (IWillTeachYouToBeRich) didn’t just start out successful. No, they tirelessly published page after page of content until something stuck.

And that’s why they’re able to churn out high-quality content today. They’ve paid their dues.

Borrow an Audience

Writing every single day isn’t enough. No, you need to make sure people see everything you publish. Because without feedback, you don’t know if your content is providing value. It’s not until you read a comment that says, “this article changed my life” that you know you’ve struck gold.

Feedback is crucial. With negative feedback (prepare for this), you’ll know you need to modify the angle you’re coming from. With positive feedback, you’ll know you’re headed in the right direction. 

Combine feedback with daily writing and you’re well on your way to producing incredibly high-quality content.

But how do you get that audience? Borrow it.

Nowadays, many high-traffic sites and communities offer public “blog” sections. Here you can post content and hundreds (even thousands) of people can read it. Additionally, with sites like Reddit, you can find the niche you’re targeting and post content to that specific niche every day. 

You can also guest post, or post each of your blog updates to Facebook.

Feedback is—at first—a rare commodity. However, it’s absolutely necessary. When you’re producing content and getting feedback every single day, you’ll develop your skills extremely quickly. 

Yes, it takes work. No, it’s not easy. And that’s why the amount of high-quality authority sites is so low. It’s only the people who are willing to put in the time and energy that end up making it. And you can be one of those people.

The question is, are you willing to write every day? Are you willing to practice?

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Lastly, don’t forget to use our free on-page SEO analysis tool. It’s one of the quickest ways to figure out any on-page SEO problems. If you’re not ranking on page #1, it could be due to a silly problem that’s very easy to fix. Our analysis tool will show you any SEO problems your site has so you can fix them and reach page #1 as quickly as possible.

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